One doesn’t begin to be a Christian because of an ethical decision or a great idea, but rather because of an encounter with an event, with a Person, who gives new horizons to life, and with that, a decisive orientation.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

A Parish Renewal Event
The goal of Ascent is to give Catholics that definitive encounter with Jesus Christ that will change their life forever. You just choose the day and time; we'll bring the speaker and worship leader. We also help you with a custom marketing plan that will help you bring in more than just the “regulars.”
Don't worry about just scheduling one of our events during Lent or Advent; Ascent could be a dynamic, spiritual "shot in the arm" for your parish at any time during the year. You can even use Ascent as something to invite people to who are returning to Mass at Christmas, Ash Wednesday, or Easter!
More than just "talks," our event offers a powerful opportunity for renewal in your parish.
We will work to meet your specific parish needs. ASCENT is available as either a one or two night event, and has the ability to be used as a ticketed event at minimal or even no cost to the parish.
“Tim led our parish mission this year and what a blessing it was to us! Tim’s passionate love of the Gospel and desire to help us all be more “intentional” in our discipleship was evident throughout. Our parishioners spoke very highly of Tim afterwards and responded well to the mission. We have been building on that since Tim was with us and have seen a real cultural shift that is blessing us all.”
Do all of your parishioners know how to pray with their heart? Have they ever been taught how to?
Being a Catholic disciple is impossible without real growth in intimacy with God in prayer. We want to help teach your parishioners how to pray (1) authentically (2) deeply and (3) so that their lives are transformed.
School of Prayer is a four-part course in which we help teach your parishioners about the spiritual life and how to put it into practice. Drawing heavily on the Church's mystical tradition (especially the Carmelite mystics) this series is both practical and rich theologically.
The why and how-to of prayer
Frustrations in prayer
Profound intimacy
The three ages of the interior life
Take your leadership team off-site or stay on church property for a one or two-day Leadership Summit presented by our dynamic instructors.
Whether this is your first step in a process of renewal or you have been changing the culture of your parish for many years, take this opportunity to cast vision into your team of staff/key volunteers for a parish totally devoted to forming missionary disciples.
We are so grateful to the dozens of Catholics around the country who make this mission possible! We truly could not do it without them.
If you are passionate about seeing renewal in the Church, please consider donating! L'Alto is a 501c3 not-for-profit and all donations are fully tax deductible.